Taiwan Civil Government entertained Washington securities lawyer Neil Carr

neil carr
Washington lawyer Neil Carr at Taiwan Civil Government event with Julian and Roger Lin (credit: Taiwan Civil Government)

Neil Carr, a Washington lawyer, took a trip to Taiwan Civil Government headquarters in September 2014 and was entertained by Roger Lin, founder of TCG, with a front row seat at a group event at the Taipei World Trade Center. Carr made the trip with crony Scott Bloch, a disgraced Bush Administration attorney, who keynoted the TCG conference. Carr introduced Bloch, who was touted as a former Justice Department official, but did not tell the audience that Bloch just finished probation following his guilty plea for criminal contempt of Congress.

Carr declined an opportunity to comment on his relationship to the accused mastermind of an elaborate political hoax. Lin and six other TCG leaders were arrested in May 2018 for alleged fraud against members of the group. Republic of China in-exile prosecutors seek to prove that Lin’s plans to oust the ROC from Taiwan were fiction and that TCG was not a government in-waiting but instead a mirage.

While the guilt of Lin is still to be determined in a court of law, Lin and two others are being held in solitary confinement, incommunicado, and denied bail. The Taiwan arrests included a seizure of a large sum of money although news reports vary as to the amount. ROC prosecutors are probing into TCG finances and might be interested in what Carr’s role in the alleged scheme, if any, was. Taiwanese news reports tell of unnamed, unindicted, Washington co-conspirators. Attention has focused on the TCG lobbying team of Neil Hare and Shelley Hymes because of their high-profile roles. Advisers to the group are also candidates for the short list bringing Carr and Bloch to the surface.

There is no known continuing relationship between Carr and Lin after the 2014 get-together and Carr is not talking. Questions remain, what was the trip all about and what advice did Carr give to Lin? A peek at Carr’s background may give a clue.

Neil Carr is a managing partner at Somertons. Carr’s caseload includes business, corporate, finance, securities, mergers, acquisitions, international transactions, and the foreign corrupt practices act. Carr is a securities expert, a money man.

Carr and Bloch did not meet on the trip to Taiwan. The pair have had a longstanding relationship and led Carr to gush a tribute about Bloch. “I have known Scott for long time and I have had the privilege of co-counseling with Scott on a number of complex litigation matters for my clients, including one matter that involved several difficult U.S. constitutional law issues. Without doubt, Scott is one of the finest and most effective lawyers I have worked with.”

Right now, an effective lawyer is what Roger Lin needs. Billed as a financial criminal, a con artist, Lin is being treated like a political prisoner. It is no small coincidence that Lin’s alleged political hoax involved expelling the exiled Chinese government that is prosecuting him.


Author: richardsonreports

Author of FRAMED: J. Edgar Hoover, COINTELPRO & the Omaha Two Story.

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